#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: us-ascii -*-
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 BigDFT group
# This file is distributed under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License, see
# or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import print_function
from copy import deepcopy
CLEAN = ' clean '
CLEANONE = ' cleanone '
UNINSTALL = ' uninstall '
LIST = ' list '
BUILD = ' build '
BUILDONE = ' buildone '
TINDERBOX = ' tinderbox -o buildlogs '
DOT = ' dot '
DOTCMD = ' | dot -Edir=back -Tpng > buildprocedure.png '
DIST = ' dist --dist-only ' # bigdft-suite '
RCFILE = 'buildrc'
MKFILE = 'Makefile'
SETUP = ' setup '
def get_macros(fr, *expressions):
Given a file, find the macros in it.
fr (str): path of the file to search in.
*expressions: list of expressions to match.
(list): a list of macros (strings).
from re import compile, search
regex = [compile(x.strip()) for x in expressions]
result = []
with open(fr) as ifile:
for line in ifile:
if all(search(r, line) for r in regex) \
and "dnl" not in line and '#' not in line:
return result
def get_files(fd, *expressions):
Given a directory, find the files which match the given macros.
fd (str): path to the directory to look in.
*expressions: a list of expressions to match.
(list): a list of files which have lines that match the expressions.
from os.path import join
from re import compile, search
from glob import glob
regex = [compile(x.strip()) for x in expressions]
result = []
for f in glob(join(fd, "*")):
with open(f) as ifile:
for line in ifile:
if all(search(r, line) for r in regex) \
and "dnl" not in line and '#' not in line:
return result
CHECKMODULES = ['futile', 'atlab', 'chess', 'liborbs',
'psolver', 'bigdft', 'PyBigDFT', 'spred',
MAKEMODULES.insert(CHECKMODULES.index('bigdft'), 'libABINIT')
# allowed actions and corresponding description
ACTIONS = {'build':
'Compile and install the code with the given configuration.',
'Recompile the bigdft internal branches, skip configuring step.',
'Clean the branches for a fresh reinstall.',
'Wipe out all the build directories and recompile the important parts',
'Perform the autogen in the modules which need that. For developers only.',
'Useful to update a pre-compiled branch after a merge',
'Creates a tarfile for the suite tailored to reproduce the compilation options specified.',
'Perform check in the bigdft branches, skip external libraries.',
'Clean a single module of the suite',
'Build a single module of the suite',
"Visualize the list of modules that will be compiled with the provided configuration in the 'buildprocedure.png' file.",
'Show the linking line that have to be used to connect an external executable to the package (when applicable)'}
# actions which need rcfile to be executed
NEEDRC = ['build', 'dist', 'dry_run', 'startover', 'buildone']
# actions which do not need Makefile creation
NOMAKEFILE = ['autogen', 'dry_run']
'bigdft': ['bin', 'bigdft'],
'spred': ['bin', 'mhgps'],
'chess': ['lib', 'libCheSS-1.a'],
'futile': ['lib', 'libfutile-1.a'],
'PyBigDFT': ['bin', 'bigdft'], # not really a target
'bigdft-client': ['lib'], # not really a target
'psolver': ['lib', 'libPSolver-1.a'],
'atlab': ['lib', 'libatlab-1.a'],
'liborbs': ['lib', 'liborbs.a'],
[docs]class BigDFTInstaller():
"""Class for the installation of the ``bigdft-suite``.
action (str): Action to be performed.
package (str): Package to install.
rcfile (str): Configuration file.
conditions (list(str)): List of conditions.
verbose (bool): If ``True``, more verbose.
quiet (bool): If ``True``, no messages.
yes (bool): If ``True``, ask a question.
m4_re = ['^AX_', 'CHECK_PYTHON[^_]',
'PKG_CHECK_MODULES'] # regular expressions to identify proprietary macros
def __init__(self, action, package, rcfile, conditions, verbose, quiet, yes):
import os
from sys import executable as pythonpath
self.action = action # Action to be performed
self.conditions = [] if conditions is None else conditions
self.package = package # Package
self.yes = yes # Ask a question
# the position of the script
self.scriptpath = __file__
# look where we are
self.srcdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.scriptpath))
if self.srcdir == '':
self.srcdir = '.'
# look the builddir
self.builddir = os.getcwd()
# look if we are building from a branch
bigdftdir = os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'bigdft')
self.branch = os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bigdftdir, 'branchfile'))
self.verbose = (verbose or action == 'check') # verbose option
if not self.verbose and not quiet:
self.verbose = self.branch
# To be done BEFORE any exit instruction in __init__ (get_rcfile)
self.time0 = None
if os.path.abspath(self.srcdir) == os.path.abspath(self.builddir) and self.action not in NOMAKEFILE:
print(50 * '-')
print("ERROR: BigDFT Installer works better with a build directory different from the source directory, install from another directory")
print("SOLUTION: Create a separate directory and invoke this script from it")
# hostname
self.hostname = os.uname()[1]
# rcfile
# jhbuild script
self.jhb = pythonpath + ' ' + \
os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'bundler/jhbuild.py ')
if self.rcfile != '':
self.jhb += '-f ' + self.rcfile
# conditions to be added
if len(self.conditions) > 0:
self.jhb += ' --conditions=+' + self.conditions[0]
for cond in self.conditions[1:]:
self.jhb += ',+' + cond
# date of bigdft executable if present
self.time0 = self.target_time()
# now get the list of modules that has to be treated with the given command
self.modulelist = self.get_output(
self.jhb + LIST + self.package).split('\n')
print(" List of modules to be treated:", self.modulelist)
# then choose the actions to be taken
getattr(self, action)()
def target_time(self):
import os
dt = TARGETS['bigdft']
dt = TARGETS.get(self.package)
# print(TARGETS)
tgt = os.path.join(*dt)
return self.filename_time(os.path.join(self.builddir, 'install', tgt))
def filename_time(self, filename):
import os
if os.path.isfile(filename):
return os.path.getmtime(filename)
return 0
def hook_environment_modifications(self):
Intercepts the `py:func:addpath` method of jhbuild
in order to understand which environment variables have been
identified to compile the suite.
def get_rcfile(self, rcfile):
"""Determine the rcfile"""
import os
# see if the environment variables BIGDFT_CFG is present
self.rcfile = ''
if rcfile is not None:
self.rcfile = rcfile
if not (BIGDFT_CFG in list(os.environ.keys())) or self.action in NEEDRC:
self.rcfile = RCFILE
# see if it exists where specified
if os.path.exists(self.rcfile):
# otherwise search again in the rcfiles
rcdir = os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'rcfiles')
if self.rcfile != '':
self.rcfile = os.path.join(rcdir, self.rcfile)
if os.path.exists(self.rcfile):
self.rcfile = ''
if BIGDFT_CFG in list(os.environ.keys()):
# otherwise search for rcfiles similar to hostname and propose a choice
rcs = []
for file in os.listdir(rcdir):
testname = os.path.basename(file)
base = os.path.splitext(testname)[0]
if base in self.hostname or self.hostname in base or base.split('-')[0] in self.hostname:
print("Search in the configuration directory '%s'" % rcdir)
if len(rcs) == 1:
self.rcfile = os.path.join(rcdir, rcs[0])
elif len(rcs) > 0 and (self.action in NEEDRC or not self.yes):
print("No valid configuration file specified, found various that matches the hostname '%s'" % self.hostname)
print('In the directory "' + rcdir + '"')
print('Choose among the following options')
for i, rc in enumerate(rcs):
print(str(i + 1) + '. ' + rc)
while True:
choice = input('Pick your choice (q to quit) ')
if choice == 'q':
ival = int(choice)
if (ival <= 0):
ch = rcs[ival - 1]
print('The choice must be a valid integer among the above')
self.rcfile = os.path.join(rcdir, ch)
elif self.action in NEEDRC:
print('No valid configuration file provided and ' +
BIGDFT_CFG + ' variable not present, exiting...')
def __dump(self, *msg, **kwargs):
if self.verbose and kwargs.get('verbose', True):
for m in msg:
def print_present_configuration(self):
import os
indent = ' ' * 2
print('Configuration chosen for the Installer:')
print(indent + 'Hostname:', self.hostname)
print(indent + 'Source directory:', os.path.abspath(self.srcdir))
print(indent + 'Compiling from a branch:', self.branch)
print(indent + 'Build directory:', os.path.abspath(self.builddir))
print(indent + 'Action chosen:', self.action)
print(indent + 'Verbose:', self.verbose)
print(indent + 'Jhbuild baseline:', self.jhb)
if self.rcfile == '' and self.action in NEEDRC:
print(indent + 'Configuration options:')
print(indent * 2 + "Source: Environment variable '%s'" % BIGDFT_CFG)
print(indent * 2 + "Value: '%s'" % os.environ[BIGDFT_CFG])
elif self.rcfile != '':
print(indent + 'Configuration options:')
print(indent * 2 + "Source: Configuration file '%s'" %
while not self.yes:
if not self.branch:
indent + '#WARNING: You are compiling from a User Branch. Developments are discouraged in this case')
indent + '# as compilation errors might lead to source deletion. For extensive developments the usage')
indent + '# of a versioned branch is advised. Please ignore this warning if you are not a developer.')
ok = input('Do you want to continue (Y/n)? ')
if ok == 'n' or ok == 'N':
elif ok != 'y' and ok != 'Y' and repr(ok) != repr(''):
print('Please answer y or n')
def selected(self, l):
return [val for val in l if val in self.modulelist]
def jhbuildaction(self, action, target, options=''):
"Call jhbuild to do action on target."
import os
command = " ".join((action, options, target))
ret = os.system(self.jhb + command)
if (ret != 0):
raise RuntimeError('JHBuild failed to complete :' + command)
def shellaction(self, path, modules, action, hidden=False):
"Perform a shell action, dump also the result if verbose is True."
import os
import sys
for mod in self.selected(modules):
directory = os.path.join(path, mod)
here = os.getcwd()
if os.path.isdir(directory):
#self.__dump('Treating directory '+directory)
sys.stdout.write('Module ' + mod +
' [' + directory + ']: ' + action)
if hidden:
ierr = os.system(action)
if ierr != 0:
raise Exception('Error in action: "' +
action + '" for package: "' + mod + '"')
# print 'Error in action: "'+action+'" for package: "'+mod+'"'
# sys.exit(1)
# self.__dump('done.')
sys.stdout.write(' (done)\n')
sys.stdout.write('Cannot perform action "' + action +
'" on module "' + mod + '" directory not present in the build.\n')
def get_output(self, cmd, verbose=True):
import subprocess
self.__dump('executing:', cmd, verbose=verbose)
# note the use of universal_newlines
# in python3, this forces the output to plain text instead of binary.
# this poorly named parameter was aliased as "text" in version 3.7
proc = subprocess.Popen(
cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
self.__dump("program output:", out, verbose=verbose or len(out) > 0)
return out
def removefile(self, pattern, dirname, names):
"Delete the files matching the pattern"
import os
import fnmatch
for name in names:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern):
self.__dump('removing', os.path.join(dirname, name))
os.remove(os.path.join(dirname, name))
def get_ac_argument(self, tgt, acmacro):
"Retrieve the list of ac arguments for the macro acmacro from file tgt"
import os
m4args = set()
if os.path.isfile(tgt):
for dd in get_macros(tgt, acmacro):
if len(dd) == 0:
m4 = dd.split('[')[1]
return list(m4args)
def get_m4_macros(self, tgt, previous_macros=[]):
"Identify the name of the proprietary m4 macros used in configure.ac"
import os
macros = set()
if os.path.isfile(tgt):
for regexp in self.m4_re:
for m4 in get_macros(tgt, regexp):
if len(m4) > 0 and not m4.strip().startswith('AC_DEFUN'):
m4t = m4.split('(')[0].strip()
if m4t not in previous_macros:
required = self.get_ac_argument(tgt, 'AC_REQUIRE')
for m in required:
found = m in previous_macros
if found:
for regexp in self.m4_re:
found = regexp.lstrip('^') in m
if found:
if found:
return list(macros)
def get_m4_files(self, macros):
"Find the files needed for the definition of the proprietary macros"
import os
files = set()
# localize then the associated file in the m4 repository
tgt = os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'm4') + os.sep
# print 'XXXXX',macros
for m in macros:
ffs = get_files(tgt, m, 'AC_DEFUN')[0]
if ffs != '':
# now for each of the files get all the macros which are required but not explicitly called
files = list(files)
newm4 = set()
for f in files:
tgt = os.path.join(self.srcdir, f)
newm = self.get_m4_macros(tgt, previous_macros=macros)
# print 'new macros',newm,f
for m4 in newm:
newm4 = list(newm4)
# print "new macros which have to be added",newm4,files
if len(newm4) > 0:
files = self.get_m4_files(macros + newm4)
return list(files)
def get_m4_dir(self, mod):
"Return the configure macro dir(s)"
import os
tgt = os.path.join(self.srcdir, mod, 'configure.ac')
return self.get_ac_argument(tgt, 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR')
def copyfiles(self, filelist, dest):
import os
import shutil
if not os.path.isdir(dest):
for f in filelist:
test = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(f))
if os.path.isfile(test):
if len(self.get_output('diff -q ' + f + ' ' + test, verbose=False)) == 0:
shutil.copy(f, dest)
os.chmod(dest, 777) # ?? still can raise exception
shutil.copy(f, dest)
print('Copied file ' + f + ' in directory ' + dest)
def autogen(self):
"Perform the autogen action"
import os
# first copy the macros in the config.m4 directories of proprietary packages
for mod in self.selected(MAKEMODULES):
macros = self.get_m4_macros(
os.path.join(self.srcdir, mod, 'configure.ac'))
# print 'initial macros',mod,macros
files = self.get_m4_files(macros)
# print 'related files',files
# print 'directory to copy files',self.get_m4_dir(mod)
# now copy the files, overwriting the previously existing ones
for d in self.get_m4_dir(mod):
self.copyfiles(files, os.path.join(self.srcdir, mod, d))
#self.jhbuildaction(SETUP, self.package)
#self.shellaction(self.srcdir,self.modulelist,'autoreconf -fi')
def check(self):
"Perform the check action"
self.shellaction('.', CHECKMODULES, 'make check',
hidden=not self.verbose)
def make(self):
"Perform the simple make action"
self.shellaction('.', MANUALMAKEMODULES,
'make -j6 && make install', hidden=not self.verbose)
def dist(self):
"Perform make dist action"
import os
tarfile = os.path.join(self.builddir, self.package + '-suite.tar.gz')
disttime0 = self.filename_time(tarfile)
self.jhbuildaction(DIST, self.package + "-suite")
disttime1 = self.filename_time(tarfile)
if not (disttime1 == disttime0):
print('SUCCESS: distribution file "' + self.package +
'-suite.tar.gz" generated correctly')
'WARNING: the dist file seems not have been updated or generated correctly')
def build(self):
"Build the bigdft module with the options provided by the rcfile"
import os
# in the case of a nonbranch case, like a dist build, force checkout
# should the make would not work
co = '' if self.branch else ' -C'
if (self.verbose):
self.jhbuildaction(BUILD, self.package, options=co)
self.jhbuildaction(TINDERBOX, self.package, options=co)
def _wipeout(self, mod):
import shutil
print('Wipe directory: ', mod)
shutil.rmtree(mod, ignore_errors=True)
def _cleanone(self, mod):
import os
self.jhbuildaction(UNINSTALL, mod)
self.jhbuildaction(CLEANONE, mod)
# here we should eliminate residual .mod files
os.walk(mod, self.removefile, "*.mod")
os.walk(mod, self.removefile, "*.MOD")
if not self.branch: # this is necessary as we come from a tarfile
def cleanone(self):
def buildone(self):
def clean(self):
"Clean files in the build directory"
# invert cleaning order for elegance
for mod in self.selected(MAKEMODULES[::-1]):
def _buildone(self, mod):
print('Resetting: ', mod)
print('Building: ', mod)
self.jhbuildaction(BUILDONE, mod)
def _setupone(self, mod):
self.jhbuildaction(SETUP, mod, options=' -t ' + mod)
def startover(self):
"Wipe files in the makemodules directory"
if not self.branch:
print('ERROR: The action "startover" is allowed only from a developer branch')
import os
for mod in self.selected(MAKEMODULES):
self.get_output(self.jhb + UNINSTALL + mod)
print('Building again...')
for mod in self.selected(MAKEMODULES):
def dry_run(self):
"Do dry build"
self.get_output(self.jhb + DOT + self.package + DOTCMD)
def link(self):
"Show the linking line, when applicable"
import os
addpath = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'install', 'lib', 'pkgconfig')
if PPATH in os.environ:
if addpath not in os.environ[PPATH].split(':'):
os.environ[PPATH] += ':' + addpath
os.environ[PPATH] = addpath
includes = self.get_output('pkg-config --cflags ' + self.package)
libs = self.get_output('pkg-config --libs ' + self.package)
# add the external linalg at the end to avod linking problems
linalg = self.get_output(
'pkg-config --variable linalglibs ' + self.package)
plugin = self.get_output(
'pkg-config --variable plugin ' + self.package)
print('--------- Linking line to build with package "' + self.package + '":')
print(" " + includes + " " + libs)
def makefile_dump(self):
"Build the Makefile that the installation of BigDFT creates for performing the same actions on this build"
import os
sflist = []
#This Makefile is automatically generated from the BigDFT installer to avoid the calling to
#the installer again for future action on this build
#Clearly such actions only _assume_ that the build is fully functional and almost nothing
#can be done with this file if a problem might arise.
#Otherwise stated: this is an automatic message, please do not reply.
all: build
# this should be done only if buildrc is there
for a in ACTIONS:
sflist.append(a + ': ')
sflist.append('\t' +
os.path.abspath(self.scriptpath) + ' ' + a + ' ' + self.package + ' -y')
mkfile = open(MKFILE, 'w')
for item in sflist:
mkfile.write("%s\n" % item)
# rcfile.write("\n")
def rcfile_from_env(self):
"Build the rcfile information from the chosen " + \
BIGDFT_CFG + " environment variable"
import os
if os.path.isfile(self.rcfile) and not os.path.isfile(RCFILE):
from shutil import copyfile
copyfile(self.rcfile, RCFILE)
'The configuration file used has been copied in the build tree, file "' + RCFILE + '"')
if BIGDFT_CFG not in list(os.environ.keys()) or os.path.isfile(RCFILE):
print('The suite has been built from a single configure line.')
rclist = []
"""#This is the configuration file for the BigDFT installer""")
"""#This is a python script which is executed by the build suite """)
rclist.append(" ")
"""#Add the condition testing to run tests and includes PyYaml""")
for cond in self.conditions:
rclist.append('conditions.add("' + cond + '")')
rclist.append("""#List the module the this rcfile will build""")
rclist.append("modules = ['" + self.package + "',]")
sep = ' """ '
confline = sep + os.environ[BIGDFT_CFG] + sep
"#example of the potentialities of the python syntax in this file")
rclist.append("def env_configuration():")
rclist.append(" return " + confline)
"#the following command sets the environment variable to give these settings")
rclist.append("#to all the modules")
rclist.append("import os")
rclist.append("os.environ['" + BIGDFT_CFG + "']=env_configuration()")
"#here follow the configuration instructions for the modules built")
"#we specify the configurations for the modules to customize the options if needed")
rclist.append(" ")
for mod in self.modulelist:
rclist.append("'" + mod + "': env_configuration(),")
rclist.append(" ")
# then write the file
rcfile = open(RCFILE, 'w')
for item in rclist:
rcfile.write("%s\n" % item)
# rcfile.write("\n")
print("Your used configuration options have been saved in the file '%s'." % RCFILE)
print("Such file will be used for next builds, you might also save it in the 'rcfiles/'.")
"Directory of the source for future use. The name might contain the hostname.")
def __del__(self):
import os
print(50 * '-')
print('Thank you for using the Installer of BigDFT suite.')
print('The action considered was:', self.action)
if self.time0 is not None:
if not (self.time0 == self.target_time()) and self.target_time() != 0:
'SUCCESS: The Installer seems to have built correctly', self.package, ' bundle')
'All the available executables and scripts can be found in the directory')
'"' + os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.builddir), 'install', 'bin') + '"')
'Before using the code consider sourcing the script:')
' "' + os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.builddir), 'install', 'bin', 'bigdftvars.sh') + '"')
if self.action in NEEDRC:
elif (self.action == 'build' or self.action == 'make'):
print('WARNING: The Installer seems NOT have created or updated',
self.package, ' binaries')
print(' (maybe everything was already compiled?)')
print('ACTION: check the compiling procedure.')
if self.branch:
'HINT: It appears you are compiling from a branch source tree. Did you perform the action "autogen"?')
if not self.verbose and self.action == 'build':
' HINT: Have a look at the file index.html of the buildlogs/ directory to find the reason')
if self.yes:
if self.action not in NOMAKEFILE:
self.makefile_dump() # temporary
if __name__ == '__main__':
# import the uniparse module
import UniParse
# Redefine ArgumentParser to have the help message if no arguments
class Installer_Parser(UniParse.UniParser):
def error(self, message):
import sys
sys.stderr.write('error: %s\n' % message)
parser = Installer_Parser(description='BigDFT suite Installer',
If you want more help type "%(prog)s help"
For more information, visit www.bigdft.org''')
parser.option('action', nargs='?', default='help',
help='Action to be performed by the Installer.'
' (default: %(default)s)', choices=['help'] + [a for a in ACTIONS])
parser.option('package', nargs='?', default='bigdft',
help='Package to be built by the installer. (default: %(default)s)',
parser.option('-f', '--file',
help='Use an alternative configuration file instead of the default configuration '
+ 'given by the environment variable %s' % BIGDFT_CFG)
parser.group_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help='Verbose output, default from a development branch')
parser.group_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true",
help='Verbosity disabled output, default from a development branch')
parser.option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true',
help='Verbose output, default from a development branch')
parser.option('-a', '--add-condition',
help='Add a condition for the compilation of the suite.')
parser.option('-y', '--yes', action='store_true',
help='Answer yes to dialog questions')
parser.option('-c', '--configure-line', remainder=True,
help='Specify the configure line to be passed (set BIGDFT_CONFIGURE_FLAGS variable)')
args = parser.args()
conds = None if args.add_condition is None else args.add_condition.split(
if args.configure_line is not None:
cfg = ''
for i in args.configure_line:
if i is not None:
cfg += i + ' '
# scratch the BIGDFT_CFG environment variable
import os
os.environ[BIGDFT_CFG] = cfg
if args.action == 'help':
print("Quick overview of the BigDFT suite Installer program")
print(50 * '-')
print("USAGE: Installer.py <action> <package>")
print(50 * '-')
print('Available actions:')
actions = list(ACTIONS.keys())
for a in actions:
print(a, ':')
print('\t', ACTIONS[a])
print(50 * '-')
print('Available packages:', CHECKMODULES)
print(50 * '-')
print(10 * "QIFI-" + ' (Quick Instructions For the Impatient)')
print('Ideally, there are two different policies:')
print('Developer: From a development branch, start by "autogen", then "build"')
print(' User: From a tarball, start by "build"')
print('Perform the "dry_run" command to have a graphical overview of the building procedure')
elif args.action == 'update':
yes = args.yes
for action in ['clean', 'autogen', 'build']:
BigDFTInstaller(action, args.package, args.file,
conds, args.verbose, args.quiet, yes)
yes = True
BigDFTInstaller(args.action, args.package, args.file,
conds, args.verbose, args.quiet, args.yes)